Total jobs: 2059 Total errors: 264 (12.82%) LAVA errors: 0 (0.00%) Test errors: 29 (1.41%) Job errors: 233 (11.32%) Infra errors: 2 (0.10%) Canceled jobs: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: dragonboard-410c Total jobs: 5 Total errors: 3 (60.00%) Error type: Job Error count: 3 (60.00%) Error: Image is not an Android sparse image Count: 3 (60.00%) IDs: dragonboard-410c-01: 3858974 3858975 3858976
Device type: soca9 Total jobs: 2 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: lpcxpresso55s69 Total jobs: 351 Total errors: 58 (16.52%) Error type: Job Error count: 58 (16.52%) Error: wait for prompt timed out Count: 51 (14.53%) IDs: lpcxpresso55s69-01: 3859064 3859086 3859090 3859094 3859096 3859128 3859131 3859133 3859141 3859145 3859149 3859151 3859157 3859158 3859160 3859162 3859168 3859172 3859179 3859195 3859196 3859201 3859211 3859212 3859230 3859233 3859241 3859242 3859260 3859269 3859270 3859277 3859279 3859283 3859288 3859290 3859293 3859294 3859296 3859300 3859302 3859313 3859315 3859319 3859325 3859365 3860660 3860663 3860676 3860689 3860694 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message '1 retries out of 3 failed for boot-pyocd-image' Count: 7 (1.99%) IDs: lpcxpresso55s69-01: 3859083 3859104 3859138 3859165 3859307 3859356 3859363
Device type: hi960-hikey Total jobs: 58 Total errors: 48 (82.76%) Error type: Job Error count: 48 (82.76%) Error: auto-login action timed out Count: 48 (82.76%) IDs: hi960-hikey-01: 3859006 3859028 3859420 3859429 3859785 3859840 3859933 3859974 3860335 3860364 3860373 hi960-hikey-02: 3859005 3859029 3859428 3859784 3859877 3859939 3859977 3860356 3860362 3860375 hi960-hikey-03: 3859027 3859418 3859787 3859876 3859976 3860336 3860358 3860369 3860377 hi960-hikey-04: 3859008 3859030 3859419 3859430 3859788 3859859 3859934 3860334 3860357 3860359 3860370 3860374 hi960-hikey-05: 3859007 3859417 3859786 3859931 3859975 3860337
Device type: dragonboard-845c Total jobs: 33 Total errors: 29 (87.88%) Error type: Test Error count: 1 (3.03%) Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'lava-docker-test-shell timed out after 588 seconds' Count: 1 (3.03%) IDs: dragonboard-845c-01: 3860649 Error type: Job Error count: 28 (84.85%) Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 874 seconds' Count: 2 (6.06%) IDs: dragonboard-845c-02: 3859973 3860646 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 876 seconds' Count: 5 (15.15%) IDs: dragonboard-845c-01: 3860368 dragonboard-845c-02: 3859980 dragonboard-845c-03: 3859793 3859837 3860366 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 875 seconds' Count: 8 (24.24%) IDs: dragonboard-845c-01: 3859791 3859923 3859932 3859979 dragonboard-845c-02: 3859935 3860367 dragonboard-845c-03: 3859792 3859928 Error: wait for prompt timed out Count: 8 (24.24%) IDs: dragonboard-845c-01: 3859972 3860365 dragonboard-845c-02: 3859836 3859838 3859930 dragonboard-845c-03: 3859957 3859978 3859981 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 720 seconds' Count: 1 (3.03%) IDs: dragonboard-845c-01: 3859794 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 712 seconds' Count: 1 (3.03%) IDs: dragonboard-845c-02: 3859790 Error: Image is not an Android sparse image Count: 3 (9.09%) IDs: dragonboard-845c-01: 3858968 dragonboard-845c-03: 3858969 3858970
Device type: frdm-kw41z Total jobs: 534 Total errors: 51 (9.55%) Error type: Test Error count: 20 (3.75%) Error: lava-test-monitor timed out Count: 20 (3.75%) IDs: lite-frdm-kw41z-01: 3859525 3859533 3859702 3860415 3860502 3860604 3860642 lite-frdm-kw41z-03: 3859457 3859477 3859514 3859540 3859546 3859570 3859580 3860405 3860478 3860512 3860536 3860559 3860621 Error type: Job Error count: 31 (5.81%) Error: wait for prompt timed out Count: 30 (5.62%) IDs: lite-frdm-kw41z-01: 3859507 3859568 3859579 3859694 3859722 3860386 3860436 3860470 3860578 lite-frdm-kw41z-03: 3859463 3859512 3859523 3859538 3859576 3859612 3859640 3859654 3859665 3859673 3860380 3860397 3860450 3860459 3860485 3860498 3860521 3860534 3860566 3860627 3860641 Error: pyocd-flashtool command failed Count: 1 (0.19%) IDs: lite-frdm-kw41z-01: 3860472
Device type: qrb5165-rb5 Total jobs: 49 Total errors: 31 (63.27%) Error type: Test Error count: 1 (2.04%) Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'tradefed - adb device lost[74d67c95]' Count: 1 (2.04%) IDs: rb5-03: 3860339 Error type: Job Error count: 30 (61.22%) Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 704 seconds' Count: 1 (2.04%) IDs: rb5-01: 3859956 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 713 seconds' Count: 2 (4.08%) IDs: rb5-01: 3859795 rb5-03: 3859929 Error: wait for prompt timed out Count: 15 (30.61%) IDs: rb5-01: 3858393 3858395 3858398 3858747 3858750 3858753 3859797 3859799 3859925 rb5-03: 3858347 3858367 3858374 3858397 3858400 3858752 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 873 seconds' Count: 2 (4.08%) IDs: rb5-03: 3858368 3859841 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 712 seconds' Count: 3 (6.12%) IDs: rb5-01: 3858401 rb5-03: 3858742 3859839 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 876 seconds' Count: 2 (4.08%) IDs: rb5-03: 3858391 3859798 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 853 seconds' Count: 1 (2.04%) IDs: rb5-03: 3859796 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 874 seconds' Count: 2 (4.08%) IDs: rb5-03: 3858394 3858748 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 711 seconds' Count: 1 (2.04%) IDs: rb5-01: 3858389 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 720 seconds' Count: 1 (2.04%) IDs: rb5-01: 3858371
Device type: qemu Total jobs: 5 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: dragonboard-820c Total jobs: 7 Total errors: 4 (57.14%) Error type: Infrastructure Error count: 1 (14.29%) Error: No match for error type 'Infrastructure', message 'Unable to run 'nice' 'docker' 'exec' 'lava-3860354-1.8.5-5a37b7ee-7c4e-48f4-ba99-f086e423ba05' 'fastboot' '-s' '3083f595' 'flash' 'rootfs' '/var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/3860354/fastboot-deploy-f9_z9w78/rootfs/linaro-buster-developer-dragonboard-820c-185.img'' Count: 1 (14.29%) IDs: dragonboard-820c-01: 3860354 Error type: Job Error count: 3 (42.86%) Error: Image is not an Android sparse image Count: 3 (42.86%) IDs: dragonboard-820c-01: 3858979 3858981 dragonboard-820c-02: 3858980
Device type: frdm-k64f Total jobs: 229 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: bcm2837-rpi-3-b-32 Total jobs: 95 Total errors: 7 (7.37%) Error type: Job Error count: 7 (7.37%) Error: No match for error type 'Job', message '1 retries out of 5 failed for uboot-action' Count: 5 (5.26%) IDs: rpi3-b-32-03: 3859439 3859729 3859768 3859776 3859844 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 515 seconds' Count: 1 (1.05%) IDs: rpi3-b-32-03: 3859829 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'None' Count: 1 (1.05%) IDs: rpi3-b-32-03: 3859408
Device type: disco-l475-iot1 Total jobs: 444 Total errors: 7 (1.58%) Error type: Job Error count: 1 (0.23%) Error: wait for prompt timed out Count: 1 (0.23%) IDs: lite-disco-l475-iot1-04: 3860290 Error type: Test Error count: 6 (1.35%) Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'lava-test-interactive timed out after 600 seconds' Count: 6 (1.35%) IDs: lite-disco-l475-iot1-03: 3858718 3860171 lite-disco-l475-iot1-04: 3858628 3860090 3860154 3860201
Device type: docker Total jobs: 9 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: synquacer Total jobs: 26 Total errors: 13 (50.00%) Error type: Job Error count: 12 (46.15%) Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'Unsupported url protocol scheme: ' Count: 12 (46.15%) IDs: synquacer-01: 3859014 3859412 3859416 3859425 3859772 3859781 3859833 3859889 3859891 3859927 3859967 3859971 Error type: Test Error count: 1 (3.85%) Error: lava-test-shell timed out Count: 1 (3.85%) IDs: synquacer-01: 3859424
Device type: x86 Total jobs: 25 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: rzn1d Total jobs: 15 Total errors: 13 (86.67%) Error type: Job Error count: 12 (80.00%) Error: auto-login action timed out Count: 11 (73.33%) IDs: lces2-03: 3859392 3859423 3859451 3859763 3859779 3859831 3859873 3859887 3859920 3859942 3859965 Error: wait for prompt timed out Count: 1 (6.67%) IDs: lces2-03: 3859385 Error type: Infrastructure Error count: 1 (6.67%) Error: No match for error type 'Infrastructure', message 'bootloader-commands timed out after 482 seconds' Count: 1 (6.67%) IDs: lces2-03: 3859410
Device type: beaglebone-black Total jobs: 166 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: hi6220-hikey-r2 Total jobs: 3 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: stm32mp157c-dk2 Total jobs: 1 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: juno Total jobs: 1 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: x15-bl Total jobs: 1 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)