Total jobs: 238 Total errors: 60 (25.21%) LAVA errors: 0 (0.00%) Test errors: 6 (2.52%) Job errors: 19 (7.98%) Infra errors: 35 (14.71%) Canceled jobs: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: qemu Total jobs: 7 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: hi960-hikey Total jobs: 27 Total errors: 3 (11.11%) Error type: Test Error count: 3 (11.11%) Error: Device NOT found! Count: 2 (7.41%) IDs: hi960-hikey-01: 3958593 hi960-hikey-05: 3958643 Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'The network seems not available, as the ping command failed' Count: 1 (3.70%) IDs: hi960-hikey-02: 3958591
Device type: dragonboard-410c Total jobs: 5 Total errors: 3 (60.00%) Error type: Job Error count: 3 (60.00%) Error: Image is not an Android sparse image Count: 3 (60.00%) IDs: dragonboard-410c-01: 3958603 3958604 3958605
Device type: dragonboard-845c Total jobs: 34 Total errors: 7 (20.59%) Error type: Job Error count: 5 (14.71%) Error: wait for prompt timed out Count: 2 (5.88%) IDs: dragonboard-845c-01: 3958585 dragonboard-845c-08: 3958676 Error: Image is not an Android sparse image Count: 3 (8.82%) IDs: dragonboard-845c-06: 3958599 dragonboard-845c-07: 3958598 3958600 Error type: Infrastructure Error count: 1 (2.94%) Error: No match for error type 'Infrastructure', message 'wait-device-boardid timed out after 2148 seconds' Count: 1 (2.94%) IDs: dragonboard-845c-06: 3958597 Error type: Test Error count: 1 (2.94%) Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'lava-docker-test-shell timed out after 28788 seconds' Count: 1 (2.94%) IDs: dragonboard-845c-03: 3958569
Device type: frdm-k64f Total jobs: 2 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: disco-l475-iot1 Total jobs: 2 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: frdm-kw41z Total jobs: 3 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: qrb5165-rb5 Total jobs: 29 Total errors: 5 (17.24%) Error type: Job Error count: 2 (6.90%) Error: wait for prompt timed out Count: 1 (3.45%) IDs: rb5-01: 3958723 Error: auto-login action timed out Count: 1 (3.45%) IDs: rb5-07: 3958590 Error type: Infrastructure Error count: 1 (3.45%) Error: No match for error type 'Infrastructure', message 'Command '['lxc-attach', '-n', 'lxc-target-3958693', '--', 'fastboot', '-s', '4fc7b22', 'boot', '/lava-lxc/boot-linux-release-5.13.9-708-qrb5165-rb5.img']' returned non-zero exit status 1.' Count: 1 (3.45%) IDs: rb5-06: 3958693 Error type: Test Error count: 2 (6.90%) Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'tradefed - adb device lost[f11b68eb]' Count: 1 (3.45%) IDs: rb5-05: 3958623 Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'The network seems not available, as the ping command failed' Count: 1 (3.45%) IDs: rb5-07: 3958588
Device type: dragonboard-820c Total jobs: 6 Total errors: 4 (66.67%) Error type: Job Error count: 4 (66.67%) Error: Image is not an Android sparse image Count: 3 (50.00%) IDs: dragonboard-820c-02: 3958608 3958609 3958610 Error: wait for prompt timed out Count: 1 (16.67%) IDs: dragonboard-820c-01: 3958607
Device type: bcm2837-rpi-3-b-32 Total jobs: 27 Total errors: 4 (14.81%) Error type: Job Error count: 4 (14.81%) Error: No match for error type 'Job', message '1 retries out of 5 failed for uboot-action' Count: 4 (14.81%) IDs: rpi3-b-32-03: 3958554 3958665 3958669 3958705
Device type: ds-rk3399-rock-pi-4b Total jobs: 30 Total errors: 30 (100.00%) Error type: Infrastructure Error count: 30 (100.00%) Error: Connection closed Count: 28 (93.33%) IDs: rockpi-ds-01: 3958514 3958718 rockpi-ds-02: 3958717 rockpi-ds-03: 3958513 3958661 3958709 rockpi-ds-04: 3958697 rockpi-ds-06: 3958517 rockpi-ds-07: 3958521 rockpi-ds-08: 3958522 3958540 3958708 rockpi-ds-10: 3958544 rockpi-ds-12: 3958537 rockpi-ds-13: 3958519 3958649 rockpi-ds-15: 3958507 3958650 3958698 rockpi-ds-16: 3958508 3958652 rockpi-ds-17: 3958518 3958658 rockpi-ds-18: 3958543 3958653 rockpi-ds-19: 3958520 3958539 3958703 Error: Reboot failed Count: 2 (6.67%) IDs: rockpi-ds-20: 3958534 3958702
Device type: beaglebone-black Total jobs: 38 Total errors: 1 (2.63%) Error type: Infrastructure Error count: 1 (2.63%) Error: http-download timed out Count: 1 (2.63%) IDs: beaglebone-black04: 3958558
Device type: x86 Total jobs: 16 Total errors: 2 (12.50%) Error type: Job Error count: 1 (6.25%) Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 222 seconds' Count: 1 (6.25%) IDs: x86-01: 3958606 Error type: Infrastructure Error count: 1 (6.25%) Error: http-download timed out Count: 1 (6.25%) IDs: x86-01: 3958506
Device type: docker Total jobs: 2 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: juno Total jobs: 1 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: hi6220-hikey-r2 Total jobs: 5 Total errors: 1 (20.00%) Error type: Infrastructure Error count: 1 (20.00%) Error: Connection closed Count: 1 (20.00%) IDs: hi6220-hikey-r2-02: 3958499
Device type: x15 Total jobs: 1 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: x15-bl Total jobs: 1 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: soca9 Total jobs: 2 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)