Total jobs: 95 Total errors: 14 (14.74%) LAVA errors: 0 (0.00%) Test errors: 8 (8.42%) Job errors: 0 (0.00%) Infra errors: 6 (6.32%) Canceled jobs: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: qrb5165-rb5 Total jobs: 37 Total errors: 8 (21.62%) Error type: Test Error count: 7 (18.92%) Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'tradefed - adb device lost[4fc7b22]' Count: 2 (5.41%) IDs: rb5-06: 7229702 7229715 Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'tradefed - adb device lost[74d67c95]' Count: 1 (2.70%) IDs: rb5-03: 7229687 Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'tradefed - adb device lost[f11b68eb]' Count: 1 (2.70%) IDs: rb5-05: 7229529 Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'tradefed - adb device lost[9496f60d]' Count: 2 (5.41%) IDs: rb5-01: 7229396 7229409 Error: Device NOT found! Count: 1 (2.70%) IDs: rb5-03: 7229387 Error type: Infrastructure Error count: 1 (2.70%) Error: Unable to fetch git repository Count: 1 (2.70%) IDs: rb5-06: 7229672
Device type: dragonboard-845c Total jobs: 57 Total errors: 6 (10.53%) Error type: Infrastructure Error count: 5 (8.77%) Error: fastboot-flash-action timed out Count: 1 (1.75%) IDs: db845c-07: 7229730 Error: Unable to fetch git repository Count: 4 (7.02%) IDs: db845c-01: 7229680 db845c-02: 7229380 db845c-03: 7229683 db845c-08: 7229678 Error type: Test Error count: 1 (1.75%) Error: Device NOT found! Count: 1 (1.75%) IDs: db845c-09: 7229684
Device type: bcm2711-rpi-4-b Total jobs: 1 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)