Will you all PLEASE stop automatically signing this email address (gregkh@linuxfoundation.org) up to this list? This is the second time you have done this.
Either stop cc:ing me on stuff sent to this list (as you seem to want to do for some odd reason), or just allow anyone to post to it or something else.
You all know better than to EVER sign someone up for a mailing list who has not done so.
greg 'getting very grumpy' k-h
----- Forwarded message from lts-dev-request@lists.linaro.org -----
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2017 13:01:34 +0000 From: lts-dev-request@lists.linaro.org To: gregkh@linuxfoundation.org Subject: Welcome to the "Lts-dev" mailing list
Welcome to the Lts-dev@lists.linaro.org mailing list! Welcome to the Long Term Support Mailing list for the Linux Kernel. Point of the list is technical discussion and general coordination for those interested in patches for LTS.
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