Hi Greg,
On 22 March 2017 at 23:03, Sumit Semwal sumit.semwal@linaro.org wrote:
Hi Greg!
On 22 March 2017 at 21:24, Greg KH gregkh@google.com wrote:
Hi all,
It would be great if someone could go through the 4.9-lts patches that Sasha posted to the stable@vger list last week and I included in the 4.9 release today, to see if anyone of them are also applicable to 4.4?
I'd give it a quick go, but I'm going to be out the whole of next week, so will probably request Amit Pundir or Arnd to take over if I'm unable to complete it by Friday.
So I found about 19 that apply cleanly, and build for x86 - sent you in the same format as Sasha - hope these seem fine?
(Back to work first week of April, so you should see some more from me then )
Also, the way he sent those patches out is a wonderful format to copy, if you all want to do so (hint hint...)
Yes, that seems a good way to integrate applying, (possibly building) and sending out a coherent list of patches, so we can start following it :)
greg k-h _______________________________________________
Best, Sumit.