I wanted to follow-up and see if you are interested in pursuing it further. I'd be happy to chat about it more in detail.
Thanks and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kristen Paladiino
From: Kristen Paladiino [mailto:askusfordeals2@askusfordeals.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 3:59 PM To: 'lts-dev@lists.linaro.org' Subject: ARM Technology Conference Expo 2018
Would you be interested in ARM Technology Conference Expo Attendees Email List 2018 for pre-show marketing campaign, Appointment Setting, Networking and various Marketing initiatives?
List includes E-mail address and Contact number on an excel spread sheet.
. Architects, Developers, Designer, Engineers, IT Directors, Managers, Chief Hacker/Wizard, CIO/CTO/CSO/CISO, Operator, Key Decision Makers.
If you are interested please let me know so that I can get back to you with the number of counts we have and pricing for the same.
Kristen Paladiino| Business Development Executive.
If you do not wish to receive future emails from us, please reply as "Not Interest"