On Mon, Dec 05, 2016 at 12:22:08PM -0600, Daniil Egranov wrote:
- if (EFI_ERROR(Status)){
- DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Marvell Yukon: MarvellYukonDriverStop:Close EfiPciIoProtocol error. Status %r\n", Status));
- }
- Status = MarvellYukonGetControllerData(Controller, &ScData);
- if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
- return Status; }
- mskc_detach (ScData);
- gBS->FreePool(ScData);
Space before (.
Ughh ... as this indentation is very specific for edk2 and may not be
Well, that particular aspect also applies to the GNU coding style, so it's not exactly unheard of.
natural for a lot of people and IDEs with code formating/completion, why this check was not done in the PatchCheck.py?
Because no one added it yet? :)
EDK2 used to have no syntax/format checker at all until Jordan added this one a bit over a year ago.
All and any improvements to it would be gratefully accepted.
It should not be difficult to find such indentation issues and filter them out before a patch submission.
Prove it ;)