On Tue, 2015-06-02 at 11:59 +0100, Ryan Harkin wrote:
I think the best way is to define Shell.efi as the default boot entry and then to provide startup.nsh on a boot device.
startup.nsh then contains a command to boot the kernel, eg:
Image dtb=file.dtb initrd=ramdisk.img <kernel commandline>
The only one issue is that there's no UART0 console on product HiKey board. So user has no chance to input anything.
But if you want a default BDS option to boot the kernel directly, you can also do this with type 0 device, set PcdDefaultBootDevicePath to be the path to your kernel image, then set PcdDefaultBootArgument to something like:
dtb=file.dtb initrd=ramdisk.img <kernel commandline>
i.e the same as before, only leave out the filename of the Image file.
I wouldn't use all that other stuff.
Could I create some boot entries by BootOptionCreate() in platform driver? (https://github.com/96boards/edk2/blob/hikey/HisiPkg/HiKeyPkg/Drivers/HiKeyDx...)