The previous post was a single patch. I've expanded the remit here a little, but I'll count them all as v2.
This patch is only an informational DEBUG build only bit of output to let the developer be confident that things are loaded to sensible location. It is optional: [PATCH v2 1/6] ArmPkg: BdsLib: debug to show load addresses
These two are the ones that actually fix the problem of the FDT and initrd being loaded to the wrong location according to the kernel recommendations: [PATCH v2 2/6] ArmPkg: BdsLib: move FDT above 128MiB boundary [PATCH v2 3/6] ArmPkg: BdsLib: move initrd above 128MiB boundary
This patch removes the fixed PCDs that Ard mentioned. It is also optional, but I think it is a worthy tidyup: [PATCH v2 4/6] ArmPkg: BdsLib: replace fixed pcds with constants
These two patches aren't part of the series, but I've included them because I needed them to get things working again. I actually would like these upstream because they are infini tely better than what is there, but I don't mind too much if I have to carry them in my own branch: [PATCH v2 5/6] ArmPlatformPkg/Bds: remove detection of EFI stub [PATCH v2 6/6] ArmPlatformPkg: tc2: match default config to Linaro