On Sat, Jan 27, 2018 at 09:47:31AM +0800, Huangming (Mark) wrote:
The problem is that OS boot option is lost after upgrade firmware. It is inconvenient for using. OsBootLib can help this.
OsBootLib retain the options installed by OS, and create OS boot option after upgrade firmware if grub file is existed in EFI partition and in mUefiOsBootFiles, and delete redundant options in the same GPT.
"Redundant" such as if the user installs a new Linux distribution on the same system without manually cleaning the ESP?
This type of system behaviour has been seen multiple times to break installations in the real world.
Note: my main objections here are really with regards to: 1) the expectation that variable store is erased on fw update 2) automatically rewriting boot variables
If (1) was resolved, then I could potentially see a use for a last-ditch fallback option (but even then, I don't think it should be enabled by default).