VisualUEFI is for Windows VisualStudio users, hides all the Tianocore build environment to make it easier for VS IDE users. One option might be to help Alex ensure that his VisualUEFI supports AArch64 (unclear if it currently does or does not). If Windows IoT targets AArch64, then it would be in the interests of VisualUEFI to target it. VisualUEFI does not use Source Insight.
On 02/24/2017 12:24 AM, Heyi Guo wrote:
Hi folks,
I can see Linaro is Linux oriented, but most of my colleagues are much more familiar with Windows and Source Insight, rather than Linux and vim/emacs. We may be happier and more effective if we can build aarch64 UEFI on Windows directly.
So how can we do that? Is there any detailed guideline?
Thanks and regards,
Gary (Heyi Guo)
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