Hi all,
I have set a new baseline at upstream commit 7447345a364e6aa5f5bd5219d25d28a2d6147bce. Due to upstream changes, linaro-platform-tc2 and linaro-platform-a9 failed to rebase cleanly - Ryan is looking into that.
Since we now have all of the required support in the upstream Bds to boot properly, we are leaving out the linaro-topic-bds patched for this round. This will have an impact on validation. Also, linaro-topic-pxeboot is being put out to pasture since Olivier pushed the Ethernet driver last week. We may need to carry side patches for model platforms that use a different driver.
I have pushed linaro-edk2-2014.05-a1, but we will be waiting for at least another alpha including the two mentioned platform topics.
/ Leif