Hi Shaveta,
2016-05-09 12:05 GMT+02:00 Shaveta Leekha shaveta.leekha@nxp.com:
Thanks Great Jan!
I am still struggling to make it work.
In my case also "PxCMD.FR stay unset" so I have removed that test code (as suggested for the time being).
Do you notice that besides initialization, this polling is performed also in AhciEnableFisReceive () ?
Similarly In my case EFI_AHCI_CAP_SAM was set and writing to EFI_AHCI_GHC_ENABLE wasn't not getting performed. So I have "ENABLED AE" also.
Just in case - do you notice, that it is also performed in AhciReset function?
So the code so far is installing "gEfiAtaPassThruProtocolGuid" Protocol.
But somehow, in " AtaBusDriverBindingSupported" , this protocol is not getting opened. Status = gBS->OpenProtocol ( Controller, &gEfiAtaPassThruProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &AtaPassThru, This->DriverBindingHandle, Controller, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER );
Above code throws an error.
Any idea about that?
I didn't have such error, but can you provide returned Error Code? It may help.
Regards, Jan