I'm new to LAVA I'm trying to get LAVA v2 working and installed in order to boot/kernel test a beaglebone black for now. I installed the full LAVA set following the steps from the 2016.6 server documentation. It doesn't seem like I have YAML job support as it's asking for a JSON job definition in the scheduler as well as the lava-tool. How can I confirm that I have LAVA v2 installed and be able to submit jobs in YAML format to the localhost server of LAVA?
The master branch of lava-server has now moved to a requirement for
django 1.8 or better. (1.9 is available in Debian unstable and
testing, 1.8 from jessie-backports.)
To install or upgrade lava-server on jessie, python-django and
python-django-tables2 must be installed from jessie-backports.
Once master is merged into staging and then into release for the next
production release, this change will affect all builds of lava-server
available for Debian other than 2014.9 already in jessie. All users of
lava-server are strongly recommended to upgrade from 2014.9 for
security and bug fix support in the underlying django code.
Installations using jessie-backports are fully supported and will
become the requirement after the next production release.
django1.7 is now out of upstream support whilst django1.8 retains
upstream support and updates through backports until at least April
lava-dispatcher is unaffected.
Neil Williams