On 8 April 2013 08:28, Senthil Kumaran senthil.kumaran@linaro.org wrote:
I just registered a new BP for creating more XML-RPC APIs - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/lava-dashboard/+spec/xmlrpc-api-additions
This blue print looks good. BTW, when can we expect this BP delivery? 13.04 or 13.05 ?
The 2 items listed in the BP are via requests from naresh and fabo in
the past weeks. I request everyone to go through http://validation.linaro.org/lava-server/api/help/ and add the missing APIs to the work items of the BP.
Thank You.
-- Senthil Kumaran http://www.stylesen.org/ http://www.sasenthilkumaran.com/