Hello everyone,
Collabora has been working on `lqa', a tool to submit and manage LAVA jobs, which helps to get many of the LAVA job administration and monitoring tasks conveniently done from the command line.
`lqa' brings a new API, lqa_api python module, a complete set of classes to easily interact with LAVA and offering at the same time a clean API on top of which further applications can be built upon (like `lqa' itself).
It has a templating system (using jinja2 package) that allows to use variables in json job files (in future could be expanded to support yaml), specifying their values either from a profile file or directly from the command line making possible the dynamic assignments of template variables during the `lqa' command execution. The templating mechanism allows to handle groups of jobs, therefore it makes it easier to submit jobs in bulk.
`lqa' also features a flexible profile system (in YAML) which allows to specify a 'main-profile' from which further sub-profiles can inherit values, avoiding information duplication between similar profiles.
Other of the current features include:
- Test report generation with the 'analyse' subcommand. - Polling to check for job completion. - All the operations offer logging capabilities. - Independent profile and configuration files.
We invite everyone to check out its official git repo at:
Suggestions and comments are welcome.
--- Luis