Its often difficult to achieve pre-planned hacking goals at Connect, but Michael and I spent a little time thinking about this topic and wanted to try and lay out an agenda for LAVA next week.
The general thought process we took for these was:
* Is it beneficial to work on as a group?
* Is it something that we'll benefit from even we only wind up having 20 minutes and could it also work well if we find the time to work on it for 2 hours.
With that in mind we are thinking about these items:
= Galaxy Nexus Fastboot Hacking Have a "learn fastboot" session based on the email thread from last week.
= NI battery simulator I can show how this works Zach can try and help with the TCP disconnect issue
= Versatile Express intro hacking Dave can give us some education on how the VExpress works/boots/etc. Possibly grab Ryan/Tixy to join.
= Deployment Type Improvements I think this will roughly be a "get Antonio to teach us Chef" session. Maybe think about how to get Chef built into open stack image with cloud-init.
= monitoring – adding app-specific metrics to munin Michael can talk to us a bit about Munin and how to add new custom metrics like. Then maybe we can hack on adding some like: * web/django stuff * postgres stuff * job stuff - num flocks - device type wait time at various %iles - device type utilizations