I have e new errore I have this error:
novello@qc:/srv/lava/instances/test$ . bin/activate (test)novello@qc:/srv/lava/instances/test$ lava-server manage greatesuperuser WARNING:root:This instance will not use sentry as SENTRY_DSN is not configured WARNING:root:This instance will not use sentry as SENTRY_DSN is not configured Unknown command: 'greatesuperuser' Type 'lava-server help' for usage. (test)novello@qc:/srv/lava/instances/test$ lava-server manage createsuperuser WARNING:root:This instance will not use sentry as SENTRY_DSN is not configured WARNING:root:This instance will not use sentry as SENTRY_DSN is not configured Username: novello Error: That username is already taken. Username: test Error: That username is already taken. Username: nicola E-mail address: luisa.tognon@libero.it Password: Password (again): Superuser created successfully. (test)novello@qc:/srv/lava/instances/test$ lava-dashboard-tool make-stream --dashboard=http://localhost/RCP2 /nicola/test Unable to exchange XML-RPC message with dashboard server HTTP error code: 404/NOT FOUND (test)novello@qc:/srv/lava/instances/test$ lava-dashboard-tool make-stream --dashboard= /nicola/test/ Unable to exchange XML-RPC message with dashboard server HTTP error code: 404/NOT FOUND THE HTTP GIVE BACK THIS MESSAGE,but if i connect WITH FIREFOX HTTP:// it WORKS. I CAN SEE THE FIRST PAGE . BEST REGARDS NOVELLO G.