On 11/27/2012 10:51 AM, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:
Hello Validation team,
Proceeding further with CBuild/LAVA integration work, it's time to think how to publish gcc, etc. binary tarballs as produced by the builds. Initially it seemed like an easy step, but the more I think about it, the more it seems like complicated to do "right".
The tarballs in question are ~100Mb, so I guess there cannot be talk about publishing them as attachment to a result bundle. Let me know if that's ok though, because it would resolve all complexities below.
The attachment approach indeed seems like a bad idea.
Otherwise, is there a way to set some custom data per user, which would be available to all jobs submitted by that user - in a secure manner? The idea, that would be an access credential to use for publishing (so far we usually use SSH privkey to auth to publishing host).
If not, is there a way to pass such information during job submission, but again in a secure manner (i.e. it shouldn't be part of job definition, as that's dumped in plain text).
Any other infrastructure in LAVA (like, pre-authed publishing host) or suggestions how to solve this?
We currently have an SSH key in place to pull restricted builds from mombin. My idea after thinking on this for 60 seconds is that we create a new "publish" action for our jobs. This publish option would then push these files somewhere. In our validation lab specific setup we could publish somewhere on mombin using our current ssh key.
Does this sound sensible?