Infrastructure team finished main development for CBuild/LAVA integration and prepared merge requests for cross-team review. We still doing testing and resolving some issues, but core functionality is there.
The way to see all merge requests on one page is to visit https://code.launchpad.net/~linaro-infrastructure/+activereviews (that lists all linaro-infrastructure reviews, but we usually don't have too many so cbuild ones should be easily visible). Otherwise, here're direct links:
https://code.launchpad.net/~linaro-infrastructure/cbuild/cbuild-lava2/+merge... https://code.launchpad.net/~linaro-infrastructure/cbuild/cbuild-init_cbuild-...
https://code.launchpad.net/~linaro-infrastructure/cbuild/cbuild-scheduler_cb... https://code.launchpad.net/~linaro-infrastructure/tcwg-web/cbuild-lava/+merg...
First 2 MRs were already reviewed by TCWG. As they contain pretty small and standalone (not affecting core CBuild functionality) changes, we'd appreciate TCWG to merge them soon to simplify change management.
Last 2 contain LAVA integration code, so we'd like to invite Validation team to review them too.
Regarding deployment schedule, TCWG OK'ed deployment after 21th. I'd like to be directly involved with deployment, but have pre-scheduled dayoffs (travelling) next week, so we'd like to start deployment next Thurs, 24th.
Please share your comments and concerns.
Thanks, Paul
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