Hi again All,
I probably don't need to say this, but for anyone who has admin privileges on v.l.o, please do not put boards back on-line. This needs to be controlled, and obviously control needs to see that v.l.o has moved.
Dave Pigott Validation Engineer T: +44 1223 40 00 63 | M +44 7940 45 93 44 Linaro.org │ Open source software for ARM SoCs Follow Linaro: Facebook | Twitter | Blog
On 8 Oct 2012, at 12:51, Dave Pigott wrote:
Hi Everyone,
The switch over happened at 8:00 AM UTC, and all seems to be ok, except that DNS changes don't seem to have universally filtered through as yet. As a consequence I can't put a board online to test just yet, because health checks push their results to v.l.o.
All other services are available, and I can http and ssh in to our new public IP address, which is for anyone who wants to experience 10Mbps of upload as well as download.
I'll continue checking for the DNS update and let you know when it's switched over and all boards are back online.
On 5 Oct 2012, at 08:34, Dave Pigott wrote:
Hi All,
Finally, after months of delays, our leased line is stable and usable. I have the router configured and ready to switch over, which I plan to do on Monday. As a consequence, I will be putting all the boards in LAVA offline on Sunday morning (UK time). Currently running jobs will be allowed to complete, but any new jobs will get queued, and not run until the switchover is complete.
While the lab is down, I will also be upgrading control to precise and attaching the WiFi AP so that it has access to the outside world.
Obviously, with the switch over, the IP address of v.l.o will change, and this will take some time to permeate through to DNS. I will make sure that this has happened before bringing all the boards back online, but it will probably mean that LAVA will not be running jobs until Tuesday morning, and that v.l.o will actually disappear for a couple of hours on Monday.
Once the transition has happened, we should see a significant improvement in the response time when accessing v.l.o and utilising LAVA. Of course, if anyone sees anything wrong or odd, please alert me immediately.
Dave Pigott Validation Engineer T: +44 1223 40 00 63 | M +44 7940 45 93 44 Linaro.org │ Open source software for ARM SoCs Follow Linaro: Facebook | Twitter | Blog