YongQin Liu yongqin.liu@linaro.org writes:
On 8 June 2012 06:01, Michael Hudson-Doyle michael.hudson@linaro.orgwrote:
YongQin Liu yongqin.liu@linaro.org writes:
Hi, All
I just submitted 100 jobs with panda-ics-gcc47-tilt-stable-blob#18
images. 4 of them are failed because of the network problem. 3 on panda01 and 1 on panda06. you can see here for the details.
For the download problem of image files, I guest we can set the retry number to 5.
Makes sense. I think waiting 5 minutes between retries is probably a touch excessive too, maybe we should scale that down too.
This time I saw one job on panda01 succeed to download the images files
the 2nd try.
I've seen this happen a few times too.
I have filed a bug about this. https://bugs.launchpad.net/lava-dispatcher/+bug/1010285
do you think setting the wait time to 1 minute is ok?
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Cheers, mwh