Hi all,
I have just fiddled with the appropriate crontabs to get staging updated at 00:00 UTC (or possibly 00:00 UK time) to trunk branches of various components. You can see a log of the updates at:
and I've updated the way the deployment report handles components in branches:
(although as staging is running the tip versions of all branches now, this isn't really apparent).
The way this works is that there is a checkout of trunk of various branches in /srv/lava/branches (please DO NOT edit anything in these brances -- I want them to remain pristine copies of trunk) and symlinks from /srv/lava/instances/staging/code/current/local to each of these components. These symlinks get copied forward to a new version of the code directory if ldt upgrade staging creates one (i.e. if we commit a new lava-manifest revision).
If you want to use a custom branch on staging, check it out somewhere on control (not in /srv/lava/instances/staging/code/current/local!) and run (as instance-manager) /srv/lava/instances/staging/bin/lava-develop-local $path_to_your_branch. When you're done testing, please run "/srv/lava/instances/staging/bin/lava-develop-local /srv/lava/branches/$component" to get back to tracking tip. To see changes on staging.validation.linaro.org you'll need to restart the instance.
I'll work on automatically copying the production database to staging next week I hope.
Cheers, mwh