Andy Doan writes:
On 07/11/2012 06:26 PM, Michael Hudson-Doyle wrote:
Andy Doan writes:
We've tossed around this idea before, but I think its time to discuss something and put together a blueprint about pulling in SD card info into LAVA for each device.
There are a few ways to do this, so I wanted to get some consensus on what people liked the most.
My first thought was that ultimately the dispatcher is the component connected to the device, so it seems like its the place. However, that implies the scheduler ensuring the device is available, and probably taking the information from the dispatcher and pushing to our database. We'd also need to run this periodically.
After thinking about that, I got to thinking we might be able to just piggy back off our health checks by simply adding a new dispatcher action (or maybe a lava-test) that from the master image pulls info like:
/sys/block/mmcblk0/device/manfid /sys/block/mmcblk0/device/name /var/lib/lava/device.conf
We could then roll this up into a test result and query from the DB?
I think doing it via a lava-test in the health job sounds sane. What is /var/lib/lava/device.conf ?
It contains information used by lava-image-tools like the hardware pack and RFS used to create the image
Cool. I filed a couple of bps about this:
Cheers, mwh