I've looked at this blog announcement [1] and found it interesting.
Travis seems to be a build service optimized to work with, and understand a load of dynamic languages. What I really like about it how it makes the effort required to add CI to $my_pet_project very very low. I like how they provide HTML snippets that show if your project builds or not. I like how they display stats [2]. I like how they are integrated with github (it probably makes sense for them but the idea is that you loose another "config" mess - no separate login, no separate repo setup). I like their UI [3]. They seem to support building and testing branches of the single repo from github which is also nice [4].
I know they are focused on CI (build and yes-or-no testing) but is there anything else we could learn from them? Thanks ZK
[1] http://about.travis-ci.org/blog/announcing_python_and_perl_support_on_travis... [2] http://travis-ci.org/stats [3] http://travis-ci.org/#%21/ruby/ruby [4] http://travis-ci.org/#%21/ruby/ruby/branch_summary