I have no prove but this wget image problem happen when we introduced heath check jobs where we deploy image file instead of create the image from hwpack + rootfs with l-m-c.
The l-m-c serialize previous version of health check jobs but the new heath check start 20+ parallel jobs and performing unzip the image files and overload the lava-server.
/Chi Thu
On 2 April 2012 03:24, Michael Hudson-Doyle michael.hudson@linaro.org wrote:
On Fri, 30 Mar 2012 03:26:56 +0200, "Le.chi Thu" le.chi.thu@linaro.org wrote:
The serial port problem is a side effect when LAVA server is overloaded. Same with the 'wget image' problem.
Are you sure about that? It sounds like a reasonable, but I don't see that its proven in any sense.
Cheers, mwh