I'd like to move the cbuild infrastructure out of my home office and domains and into the validation lab. That makes things one step cleaner than the current setup and one step closer to hooking things into LAVA.
There's more terse notes at: https://wiki.linaro.org/MichaelHope/Sandbox/CBuildMove
but here's how I'd deploy it: * Create cbuild.linaro.org to replace ex.seabright.co.nz * Add a real or virtual medium capacity machine to run the web server, scheduler, snapshotter, storage, and other administrative stuff * Add 500 GB+ of backup storage * Add a reverse proxy to expose the server to the internet * Delete orion that currently runs ex.seabright.co.nz * Delete the EC2 micro instance that runs apus.seabright.co.nz * Redirect and delete builds.linaro.org
tcserver01 stays as a build and benchmark machine.
I'm not happy with control being the web server, bounce host, and a build machine. It's too taxing and unreliable. I'd like an unloaded minimal host there instead.
Thoughts? Who can drive this?
-- Michael