On 8 November 2013 14:21, Antonio Terceiro antonio.terceiro@linaro.org wrote:
On Fri, Nov 08, 2013 at 11:22:44AM +0000, Milosz Wasilewski wrote:
I'm trying to complete the docs for linaro test suites and add the way running local .yaml files on the remote server. From the lava-tool README I took the following line:
lava testdef submit
It kinda works:
milosz@milosz-nb:~/linaro/testcases/staging-test-definitions/openembedded$ lava testdef submit busybox.yaml
Creating job file... device_type: rtsm_fvp_base-aemv8a image: https://releases.linaro.org/13.09/openembedded/aarch64/vexpress64-openembedd...
Created job file 'lava-tool-job.json'.
Server connection parameters: server: https://mwasilew@validation.linaro.org/RPC2/ rpc_endpoint: RPC2
you want: server: <any name you want> rpc_endpoint: https://mwasilew@validation.linaro.org/RPC2/
I recognize this UI is not optimal and will appreciate any suggestions on how to improve. Adding an explanation next to each parameter would probably help.
is the server parameter used in any way? If not it might be just removed. Another problem I noticed when I managed to submit the job is missing submit_results command (in the result JSON file). I guess this is by design, but adding it might be a good idea.