W dniu 08.03.2012 08:37, Fathi Boudra pisze:
On 8 March 2012 01:59, Alexander Sackasac@linaro.org wrote:
On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Fathi Boudrafathi.boudra@linaro.org wrote:
Which rootfs/hwpacks are used to create master images? Are they document somewhere?
Very important question with partly scary answers.
How do we produce those?
It's done manually. Dave is working on a script to automate master image builds.
Also look at http://lists.linaro.org/pipermail/linaro-dev/2011-December/009024.html
From the day I wrote that we've managed to change... nothing. Point 1) is somewhat offset by better platform code but since I'm now fixing bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/lava-dispatcher/+bug/934164 I think that something is very fishy there (uuid generation is based on real time stamp and mac address. How are we getting dupes again? Same time and same mac? Really?
How are we deciding when and what to upgrade?
Master images are known good images. We update them when really needed, thus using older rootfs/hwpack combination.
We don't -- everyone that makes a master image (outside of the lab) just grabs whatever is released today.
What's the roll out process and how do we track what we have were?
Dave is in charge to create those images. We planned to track master information on the wiki: https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/Validation/LabHardware#Master_Image
It isn't done yet.
Also, how do we systematically select the rootfs/hwpacks used etc...
It seems to be trial by error.
And maybe Ubuntu team help making this reproducible? Would it be worth to have a lava-master rootfs devbuild?
Master images, as they are today, need to be documented, built automatically and reproduced. I'm not sure we have this plan blueprinted or in a bug. I need to check.
We should make a tool that builds a master image for each board we support. The tool must have hard-coded rootfs/hwpack URLs, checksums and must hardcode the set of options to feed to linaro-media-create.
Thanks for beating on the same drum! ZK