Olivier Cozette Olivier.Cozette@arm.com writes:
Hi Guys, In lava, you are changing all the partition used init.rc and other *.rc to match lava partition scheme. But you missed /system/etc/vold.fstab.
To meet lava partition scheme, you have to replace : "dev_mount sdcard /mnt/sdcard 6 /block/mmcblk0/device" by "dev_mount sdcard /mnt/sdcard 7 /block/mmcblk0/device" because sdcard is now on partition 7.
Without this change, android will give you the shell but will never complete the start of the GUI.
I think this means that we need to update the "possible_partitions_files" config value in one or more device type files. But as you haven't told us very much at all about what you are testing (at least not in emails that made it to the list), I'm having to guess a bit :)
Cheers, mwh