Hi all,
I'm moving this question from Zendesk to the mailing list. Could you please assist Mailme (CC'd on this email) with his download errors. He has provided links for the log messages in his request. Thank you all in advance for you help in this matter. Mailme please add any additional information you may want the team to know.
******* Question Below ******
I am trying to add support for a device in LAVA.
I have HW pack and Binary Pack for my board. The problem I am getting is in downloading it through LAVA, while deploying. The log message can be seen at
It is "urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden" , but I am able to download the package from the browser as well as using wget command. For this you can see the log at
Please help me on this issue as it is a big blockage for my work.
Again thank you all in advance for you help.