Hello Mailme,
I am trying to add support for a device in LAVA.
I have HW pack and Binary Pack for my board. The problem I am getting is in downloading it through LAVA, while deploying. The log message can be seen at
It is "urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden" , but I am able to download the package from the browser as well as using wget command. For this you can see the log at
Please help me on this issue as it is a big blockage for my work.
If you look at line 398 of your first paste, you will see that LAVA sets up an http proxy:
root@master [rc=0]# <LAVA_DISPATCHER>2013-04-17 03:49:39 PM INFO: Setting up http proxy export http_proxy=
That same proxy is used for downloads from both the target board and from the LAVA server, so if you don't have a working proxy at, port 3128, it will not work.
To test this with wget, you have to run it like this:
$ http_proxy= wget
If you run that right now, you should get the same "403: Forbidden", or some other other error.
I recommend that you set up that proxy because it will cache external downloads for you, but if you are always downloading from your local network you can disable the HTTP proxy by clearing the LAVA_PROXY setting in
/srv/lava/instances/{YOURINSTANCE}/etc/lava-dispatcher/lava-dispatcher.conf and /srv/lava/instances/{YOURINSTANCE}/instance.conf