On 09/18/2012 12:44 AM, Prakash Ranjan wrote:
Hi All,
After deploying any image on my local lava-server setup, in test
image , the resolv.conf file is always missing.
Here is the complete log link. http//paste.ubuntu.com/1212314/
You can check the job fiel at this link.. http//paste.ubuntu.com/1212328
My master image info : http//paste.ubuntu.com/1212330.
Please help me on this issue.
This is a bit of a guess, but I noticed in your job definition you:
1. flash image 2. install lava-test 3. boot 4. run lava-test
Our jobs normally do those 4 steps but in this order:
1. flash image 2. boot 3. install lava-test 4. run lava-test
ie steps 2 and 3 are reversed. My guess is that the "boot" step is creating this file so things work for us. You could probably just try that. However, when I look at a current linaro RFS like today's nano image, I see a /etc/resolv.conf in it.
We could probably also patch the dispatcher so it doesn't fail if the file doesn't exist.