If you had an older version of postgresql ever installed at the same time as a new version, postgresql will change that to 5433, then 5434 and so on for each one. This is standard postgresql behaviour and nothing to do with LAVA.
My master instance of LAVA was installed on a clean Ubuntu server installation and the only time postresql was added was during the deployment of LAVA. The port number hadn't changed, the listen_addresses setting hadn't been set and therefore it just wasn't listening on that port at all. The information regarding the configuration of postresql was included for completeness only, I wasn't suggesting this was anything to do with LAVA.
Looks like a django error - your database connection is still not correct.
Is this something you have seen before?
No. I just googled SENTRY_DSN.
I too googled this, however as it is the first time we are setting up LAVA this way, and as this aspect of LAVA configuration is not documented, I didn't think it would be unreasonable to ask those who had written the system, and configured it this way before, whether they had seen this particular error, in case they were able to point me at a simple fix or a configuration step I may have missed, before I started investigating this further.
If you haven't seen this then fair enough, I will go carry on with my own investigations.
No - however, if you have a postgresql server installed on the worker, it is not required.
No there is no postgresql server installed on the worker.
The initial use of setup instead of setupworker could have messed up the database configuration on the worker. It just looks like the worker cannot find the database.
After the mess I made of the previous install, I set up a VM to trial this, so this has been deployed from scratch using the updated commands you gave me.
Possibly the issue is with the configuration of the master. There has already been one issue with the postgresql setup, so possibly there are more. I will look into it.
Cheers Dean
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