On Wed, May 23, 2012, Michael Hudson-Doyle wrote:
Yup; looks like it
(the reason I'm not sure if this is what Loic had in mind is that it's more a Fennec/Firefox thing than a B2G thing).
The B2G folks actually put us in touch with the QA team lead back then; I'm short finding the QA notes, generally the notes from chats with Mozilla were at: https://wiki.linaro.org/OfficeofCTO/Mozilla/2011-09-06 https://wiki.linaro.org/OfficeofCTO/Mozilla/2011-09-13 https://wiki.linaro.org/OfficeofCTO/Mozilla/2011-09-20 and I think that last call is where we had discussed QA / validation, but it's not too specific in the notes, mostly Linaro's side of the story.