I'm trying to setup a pipeline lava instances and the documentation is a bit unclear to me.
But what does it exactly means with "Pipeline devices need the worker hostname to be set manually in the database". ??? In the database I can only see a worker_id. Or does it just means, I have to set the worker within django?
My goal is to setup a lava master and a slave using the new pipeline framework. The master is setted up on a debian jessie 8.2 using lava production repository as well as backports.
I connected the slave to the master using the .service file. tcpdump shows some 'PING' and 'PONG' traffic between the two hosts. Should I see the slave somewhere in django application? On the Admin/worker view I only see the master.
master: lava-server 2015.12-3~bpo8+1 slave: lava-dispatcher@c391b53231fba978532327d2bdff5173fcb55db4
Best, lynxis