------------ origen02 ------------ http://validation.linaro.org/lava-server/scheduler/job/35250
When trying to boot the test image, it went into a panic. I went onto the board and booted it both into master and test images and it was fine. So it looks like it was a random glitch. Back online to re-test.
------------ origen09 ------------ http://validation.linaro.org/lava-server/scheduler/job/35134
Dropped into initramfs on test image boot. Booted up test image, and it sat for ages doing recovery on mmcblk0p6, which is testrootfs. Let it complete fsck, then did a reboot. Still recording errors, so replaced sd card with new image. Looks like one of the rare sd card failures. A health check finding a real problem. :)
------------ panda04 ------------ http://validation.linaro.org/lava-server/scheduler/job/35095
Android glitch of some sort - home screen problem. Put back online to retest.
-------------------- snowball06/08 --------------------
eth0 failed to come up. We see this a lot with snowballs. Perhaps there's a known bug in the master image we use (12.02)?