OK. Just picked 312 for hwpack and 224 for rootfs (the most recent ones, but not from the latest link) and watched it. All passed ok.
On 26 Sep 2012, at 09:41, Dave Pigott wrote:
rtsm_ve-a15x4-a7x4_01 & rtsm_ve-a15x4-a7x4_02
Classic problem, that I also had with the tc2s yesterday. The health check references a snapshot that no longer exists because it's fallen off the bottom.
Andy: I'll look and see if I can find a release that will work on FM. I'll let you know if I succeed (although it should be obvious by the "board" state).
Dave Pigott Validation Engineer T: +44 1223 40 00 63 | M +44 7940 45 93 44 Linaro.org │ Open source software for ARM SoCs Follow Linaro: Facebook | Twitter | Blog