Hello Validation team,
Proceeding further with CBuild/LAVA integration work, it's time to think how to publish gcc, etc. binary tarballs as produced by the builds. Initially it seemed like an easy step, but the more I think about it, the more it seems like complicated to do "right".
The tarballs in question are ~100Mb, so I guess there cannot be talk about publishing them as attachment to a result bundle. Let me know if that's ok though, because it would resolve all complexities below.
Otherwise, is there a way to set some custom data per user, which would be available to all jobs submitted by that user - in a secure manner? The idea, that would be an access credential to use for publishing (so far we usually use SSH privkey to auth to publishing host).
If not, is there a way to pass such information during job submission, but again in a secure manner (i.e. it shouldn't be part of job definition, as that's dumped in plain text).
Any other infrastructure in LAVA (like, pre-authed publishing host) or suggestions how to solve this?
Thanks, Paul
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