On Wed, Dec 05, 2012 at 12:43:19PM +0100, Alexander Sack wrote:
On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Milo Casagrande milo.casagrande@linaro.org wrote:
Hello everyone,
during the last month, and also during this one, the Infrastructure team has been working on a new feature for linaro-android-media-create. We are introducing an "Android hardwarepack", similar to the normal hardwarepack of linaro-media-create, with the difference that the Android one is just a configuration file, that will store all the board parameters (instead of having them hard-coded inside the code).
Blueprint, more details and initial code can be found here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-image-tools/+spec/android-media-crea...
We wanted to know what kind of impact these new features might have on your side and on LAVA. The old linaro-android-media-create behavior will be maintained (at least for a while), meaning that it will be possible to run l-a-m-c without the hwpack file passed on the command line, but in the future using hwpack will be the default approach.
So, will linaro-android-media-create need boot, system, userdata + a hwpack file?
On the LAVA side, do jobs need to be reconfigured or will this be transparent for you? Any other things that might broke or change due to the new features?
We currently support pre-built images as well as submitting jobs with all the parts with LAVA running lamc. So yes, I guess LAVA needs to be updated to support the new, optional hwpack-part.
Currently there is a single point where the LAVA dispatcher calls linaro-android-media-create directly: when deploying builds that come in separate parts (boot, system and userdata) for fastmodels.
For physical boards, however, currently the partitions corresponding to those parts are populated directly from the build tarballs ({boot,system,userdata}.tar.bz2 etc). In this case, if the hwpack file is going to be a new input to this process, we would need to know what has to be done with that hwpack file. As I understand from https://wiki.linaro.org/AndroidHardwarePacksV3, the hwpack file seems to contain stuff that is going to be used to create u-boot scripts and the like, right?