On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 11:26:44AM +0000, Basil Eljuse wrote:
We are trying to run tests on our 13.02 candidate builds at our end using lava and while booting the target image we are seeing the following problem
[ 6.237167] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p3): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem [ 6.257658] fs_mgr: Cannot mount filesystem on /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 at /cache [ 6.279098] init: fs_mgr_mount_all returned an error
The script is actually trying to remove the /cache mount point, so I did it manually in the fstab. Is that needed? I cannot see which partitions was supposed to be used for that.
Regards, Liviu
Has anyone seeing this problem at your end.
If we run 13.01 image based tests we do not have any issues. Was wondering if any changes were done w.r.t initrd partitions as for booting up on the target i believe lava swaps around partitions as part of the setup sequence (not fully understood at our end though).
Attaching the full log also. Any clue?
Thanks Basil Eljuse...