davi@gnu.org escreveu:
I am using Ubuntu Precise, but the server one, not the desktop one. Maybe that is the cause.
On this Ubuntu Precise (server), the ifconfig command is at /sbin/ifconfig
I though adding "sudo" would help in my case, and at the same time would not harm on the usual Ubuntu desktop case.
Also note sudo if already being used on other parts of that script.
For some reason in my development machine /sbin is the the PATH, even for the non-root user. But when I created a fresh user with `adduser`, then that new user does not have /sbin in $PATH. Weird - I did some investigation, but didn't find out why.
Maybe the best solution is to use ip, which is under /bin _and_ has much more parseable output. I just made a merge proposal:
BTW the usual procedure for submitting patches is documented at https://wiki.linaro.org/Resources/HowTo/BZR