Dave Pigott escreveu isso aí:
Please note that this means weekly reports are now:
However, there seems to be some formatting issue. Any clues?
There was a wiki directive saying
<<Include(Platform/Validation, , from="^## meetings$", to="^## end-meetings$")>>
I changed it to
<<Include(Platform/LAVA, , from="^## meetings$", to="^## end-meetings$")>>
and re-added the from/to markers in Platform/LAVA.
This page looks better now, but the archive of past meetings is still under the /Platform/Validation namespace, and all of them still include that snippet of Platform/Validation, which makes them look broken roght now. I am not sure if we can script a batch update on all those old pages ... I will give it a try while lava-deployment-tool is running. ;-)