Last Friday I thought up an idea that could piggy back the current android-benchmark plugin for LAVA that can allow people to create dynamic reports. I wanted to share the basic idea and code to see what people think.
Currently I define a benchmark report using the Django admin interface. I simply define a BenchmarkReport (which has a label like 2012.01) and then BenchmarkRuns which point to their BenchmarkReport and the bundle stream containing its runs.
The idea I had was to allow a user to specify all this information, have a view that creates these objects (but not commit them), and use the existing logic I have to create reports.
dynamic.png shows the current way the code allows you to create a dynamic report. dynamic-report.png shows what that report will then look like.
In its current form, its all done via an HTTP POST so you can't really share a link. I was thinking it could be cool to make an update to where the parameters were passed via HTTP GET parameters. You could then easily construct a URL to share with someone that could compare metrics between two or more bundle streams. ie - hey take a look at this "v8 javascript" comparison.
I've included the minimal set of patches I did to make this work.