I was recently looking at the LAVA documentation to see how much would be useful for our latest member, Antonio. In short, our documentation is pretty terrible (which we already new). I've spent most of today trying to help get things a little better. Its by no means complete, but I wanted to share with you where things are at, and what my future plans are.
To begin with, I've changed up our wiki pages a bit. Part of this was because of a request I got to move our pages from /Platform/Validation to /Platform/LAVA. Part of this was to try and improve and remove. The end results are:
A new main page: https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/LAVA/ * the first few links here are purely for getting started with LAVA * it includes a link to LAVA team oriented stuff: https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/LAVA/Links
Renaming of many pages under /Platform/Validation such as: * https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/LAVA/DevOps
A removal of LAVA documentation that's already covered in better detail in our readthedocs pages.
Improvements to http://lava.readthedocs.org: * updated information about our new lava-deployment-tool for install * updated information on creating master images * updated information on adding a device to LAVA * a new page on how to add a QEMU device to LAVA
This is just the tip of the iceberg. The next things I need to look at are: * the accuracy and importance of the wiki pages * the accuracy of the readthedocs
I'll be trying to get this up-to-date as soon as possible. Please let me know if you find an old page missing you used or something that's out of date and I'll try and get it corrected.