On Fri, 1 Jul 2016 15:21:22 +0000 "Albarran, Josue" j-albarran@ti.com wrote:
Please keep the list in CC:
Ok, thanks for the information.
So what is the mayor difference between YAML and JSON job submissions?
Completely new design. JSON submissions are LAVA V1 only. YAML submissions are LAVA V2 only.
See the documentation in your localhost for the differences between LAVA V1 and LAVA V2.
Are JSON jobs being superceded by YAML ones in the future?
Yes - the migration is happening now and JSON submissions will be blocked during 2017.
The objective is to be able to use new LAVA v2 instance to perform daily functional tests (ltp-ddt tests). This has to be using the LAVA UI.
Is it better if I stick to the JSON job submissions for now?
No. Unless your particular devices are not yet supported in V2, you need to be using V2.
Josue Albarran
-----Original Message----- From: linaro-validation [mailto:linaro-validation-bounces@lists.linaro.org] On Behalf Of Neil Williams Sent: Friday, July 01, 2016 3:56 AM To: linaro-validation@lists.linaro.org Subject: Re: [Linaro-validation] Lava v2 and YAML job support
On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 21:41:15 +0000 "Albarran, Josue" j-albarran@ti.com wrote:
I'm new to LAVA I'm trying to get LAVA v2 working and installed in order to boot/kernel test a beaglebone black for now. I installed the full LAVA set following the steps from the 2016.6 server documentation. It doesn't seem like I have YAML job support as it's asking for a JSON job definition in the scheduler as well as the lava-tool.
Currently, there is no V2 support for submitting jobs via the Submit Job menu UI. lava-tool or XML-RPC (for automated submissions) only for V2.
How can I confirm that I have LAVA v2 installed and be able to submit jobs in YAML format to the localhost server of LAVA?
The device detail page shows what jobs the device can support.
e.g. https://staging.validation.linaro.org/scheduler/device/staging-black01
Pipeline: staging-black01 accepts both pipeline and JSON jobs.
This is determined from the database and configured through the django administrative interface. For each pipeline device, the Pipeline device? checkbox must be set and a Device Dictionary imported.
The device should also show up on the list of pipeline devices:
e.g. https://staging.validation.linaro.org/scheduler/alldevices/pipeline
We're expanding the documentation in this area. You may find this proposed page useful: https://git.linaro.org/lava/lava-server.git/commitdiff/12f0b078186b319db9df8...
Neil Williams