lava-dispatch test.json --target panda01
made in this way: { "job_name": "foo", "target": "panda01", "timeout": 18000, "actions": [ { "command": "lava_test_shell", "parameters": { "timeout": 1800, "testdef_urls": ["file:///home/novello/ae/test/lava/test-definitions/openembedded/etherner.yaml"] } } ] } Then I see thei ERROR Target includes no deployment_data:::: What does it means . Best regards The ethernet.yaml file is made in this way: metadata: name: ethernet format: "Lava-Test-Shell Test Definition 1.0" description: "Test network in OE."
install: git-repos: - git://
run: steps: - "cd test-definitions/openembedded/scripts" - "./"
parse: pattern: "^(?P<test_case_id>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+):\s(?P<result>\w+)" fixupdict: PASS: pass FAIL: fail
The path is correct because from explorrer I can open it.
emb)root@hp:/home/novello/ae/test/lava/lava-dispatcher/doc# ~ bash: /root: È una directory (emb)root@hp:/home/novello/ae/test/lava/lava-dispatcher/doc# lava-dispatch test1.json --target panda01 <LAVA_DISPATCHER>2013-05-28 10:53:44 AM INFO: Attempting to connect to device Connected. <LAVA_DISPATCHER>2013-05-28 10:53:44 AM INFO: Matched 'Connected\.\r' which means all-good <LAVA_DISPATCHER>2013-05-28 10:53:44 AM INFO: [ACTION-B] lava_test_shell is started with {u'testdef_urls': [u'file:///home/novello/ae/test/lava/test-definitions/openembedded/etherner.yaml'], u'timeout': 1800} <LAVA_DISPATCHER>2013-05-28 10:53:44 AM WARNING: [ACTION-E] lava_test_shell is finished with error (Target includes no deployment_data). Lava failed at action lava_test_shell with error:Target includes no deployment_data Traceback (most recent call last): File "/srv/lava/.cache/branch-cache/lava-dispatcher/checkouts/", line 177, in run**params) File "/srv/lava/.cache/branch-cache/lava-dispatcher/checkouts/", line 486, in run self._assert_target(target) File "/srv/lava/.cache/branch-cache/lava-dispatcher/checkouts/", line 626, in _assert_target raise RuntimeError('Target includes no deployment_data') RuntimeError: Target includes no deployment_data Then I seee this error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/srv/lava/instances/emb/code/r115/bin/lava", line 61, in <module> File "/srv/lava/.cache/eggs/lava_tool-0.6-py2.7.egg/lava/tool/", line 147, in run raise SystemExit(cls().dispatch(args)) File "/srv/lava/.cache/eggs/lava_tool-0.6-py2.7.egg/lava/tool/", line 137, in dispatch return command.invoke() File "/srv/lava/.cache/branch-cache/lava-dispatcher/checkouts/", line 129, in invoke File "/srv/lava/.cache/branch-cache/lava-dispatcher/checkouts/", line 177, in run**params) File "/srv/lava/.cache/branch-cache/lava-dispatcher/checkouts/", line 486, in run self._assert_target(target) File "/srv/lava/.cache/branch-cache/lava-dispatcher/checkouts/", line 626, in _assert_target raise RuntimeError('Target includes no deployment_data') RuntimeError: Target includes no deployment_data