2014. is now available for jessie and sid, 2014. for trusty and unicorn.
This update addresses the OpenID support. Launchpad had an issue previously because the CACert certificates were removed from the ca-certificates package. Launchpad has since migrated to a certificate which is supported by current (and old) ca-certificates packages.
The packaging branch migrated to Google+ OpenID during development but that would not be an easy migration for the group support in LAVA. Support for OAuth2 is being investigated.
This update re-instates Launchpad as the default OpenID server for the packaging branch and includes documentation for how to stay with Google+.
"OPENID_SSO_SERVER_URL": "https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id",
This change will be respected by future lava-server upgrades, so the choice of OpenID service is open to the local admin.
(If there are other OpenID servers people want to use, this support should work but note that OAuth2 is the preferred option, so it may only be a temporary step.)