# Progress #
* LAVA-851 - completed vm-groups implementation base * LAVA-1270: Attach temporary devices to the host's dispatcher * LAVA-1271: Changes required in schedulermonitor if any * LAVA-1272: Tweak get_configured_devices * LAVA-1273: Make use of TemporaryDevice.DoesNotExist to isolate temporary devices * LAVA-1274: Review existing queries where TemporaryDevices are not acceptable * LAVA-1275: Mark TemporaryDevice as RETIRED after job completion/cancelation * LAVA-1277: Pass dynamically created dynamic_vm configuration to ... * various code reviews * design discussion for vm-groups * Time * LAVA-851 - 10% * Other vm-group cards - 40% * various code reviews - 10% * Holiday - 40%
# Plan #
* vm-groups testing * pending LAVA cards