Hi Tom,
(cc'ing the validation list)
Basically, as I always say, LAVA is an enabler - we provide the framework for people to run jobs which can install and run anything they like. We are not pro- or prescriptive. So the short answer is, someone may well have run the WebKit test suite as part of a LAVA job, but personally I don't know who.
Anyone on the list have any further info for Tom?
On 3 Apr 2013, at 18:02, Tom Gall tom.gall@linaro.org wrote:
Hi Dave,
I've been asked if webkit was put into LAVA in any form. By this I presume the person asking is wonder if WebKit's test suite has been added.
Do you know how we can find out if this is the case and who might have done it?
Sorry if this might be misdirected and something better asked of someone else.
-- Regards, Tom
"Where's the kaboom!? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!" Marvin Martian Tech Lead, Graphics Working Group | Linaro.org │ Open source software for ARM SoCs w) tom.gall att linaro.org h) tom_gall att mac.com
On 4 April 2013 10:24, Dave Pigott dave.pigott@linaro.org wrote:
Hi Tom,
(cc'ing the validation list)
Basically, as I always say, LAVA is an enabler - we provide the framework for people to run jobs which can install and run anything they like. We are not pro- or prescriptive. So the short answer is, someone may well have run the WebKit test suite as part of a LAVA job, but personally I don't know who.
Anyone on the list have any further info for Tom?
John has done some investigation on browser benchmarking. You can find his notes on the wiki: https://wiki.linaro.org/JohnRigby/BrowserBenchmarking
On 3 Apr 2013, at 18:02, Tom Gall tom.gall@linaro.org wrote:
Hi Dave,
I've been asked if webkit was put into LAVA in any form. By this I presume the person asking is wonder if WebKit's test suite has been added.
Do you know how we can find out if this is the case and who might have done it?
Sorry if this might be misdirected and something better asked of someone else.
-- Regards, Tom
"Where's the kaboom!? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!" Marvin Martian Tech Lead, Graphics Working Group | Linaro.org │ Open source software for ARM SoCs w) tom.gall att linaro.org h) tom_gall att mac.com